Digital marketing that drives revenue
It’s your time to shine as we highlight your brand. We assist in garnering the attention and revenue your business deserves.
A partner, not a customer
Our mission
Optimizing visibility and generating quality leads
We enhance your online presence and are committed to increasing your visibility and generating quality leads through advanced digital marketing strategies. Our approach is driven by in-depth industry knowledge, unwavering responsiveness, and meticulous precision in executing our campaigns.
Boost your organic traffic by ranking high on search engines
- Keyword research and competitor analysis
- Creation of negative keywords
- Content optimization
- Backlink generation
- And much more
Of customers reported that their online experience starts with a search
Maximize your return on investment with targeted paid advertising strategies. Our Pay Per Click experts design campaigns that convert, for a direct impact on your growth.
- Identification and targeting of strategic keywords
- Creation of single keyword ad groups for increased relevance
- Active filtering of underperforming keywords to optimize spending
- Writing and optimizing ads for better conversion
- And more
Of users who click on paid ads are more likely to make a purchase, thereby increasing the quality of your leads.
Unlock the full potential of your online business and increase your revenue with Numérique’s cutting-edge website creation services. Enjoy a responsive design and a user-optimized experience to turn visitors into loyal customers.
- Enhancing user experience for intuitive navigation
- Boosting conversions through interactive and engaging design
- Reducing bounce rates with captivating and personalized content
- Speeding up site performance for better retention
- Maximizing site architecture effectiveness to encourage conversions
Of customers reported an increase in contact form submissions after redesigning their website.
Striking a balance between originality and the use of proven strategies is essential for creating a strong and competitive brand identity.
- Graphic design of distinctive logos
- Creation of impactful and memorable flyers
- Design of professional and attractive business cards
- Customized branding strategy
Of clients have reported an increase in brand recognition thanks to our branding strategies.
About Flamingo marketing
We develop impactful strategies through a deep understanding of the market.
Our in-depth market knowledge fuels the creation of striking strategies that captivate and retain. We balance creative boldness with analytical rigor to ensure a message that is both relevant and memorable. This strategic fusion transforms challenges into victories, elevating brands beyond expectations in an ever-changing commercial world. Thus, we deliver dynamic and evolving campaigns, tailored for success.
We have helped our customers generate over $22 million in the last three years.
Our 98% client retention rate speaks to our unwavering commitment to their satisfaction and success.
We work closely with many growing companies, supporting them through their exponential growth.
Our team is composed of several experts in digital marketing, each specializing in a key area to offer comprehensive expertise.
Companies that stand out for their exceptional growth
Get your free marketing consultation call
- 30-minute strategy call
- Strategy presentation
- Development plan
How we boost revenue
If you're ready to increase traffic to your website, it's time to partner with an agency that knows how to help you achieve your goals.
When you use advertising marketing, you create specific messages to motivate people to take action.
Get the tools you need to collect marketing data, like Google Analytics, and set up processes to gather and analyze them.
Maintaining consistency in your brand marketing allows you to create a lasting impression that stays in consumers' minds and encourages them to return.
Generate digital revenues for our 1000+ satisfied customers
Average increase in customer traffic
“I'm blown away by the creativity and originality of Marketing Flamingo. Their campaigns are always tailor-made and have a real impact on our target audience. A true boost for our visibility and brand image!”
A team of professionals
At Marketing Flamingo, we focus on creating strong and lasting client partnerships. Leveraging our deep industry knowledge and expertise, we provide the insights you need to build and evolve your brand, boost business performance, and mitigate risks.